Discovering core themes and strengths in your unique design

Show Notes
What was your favorite story growing up and what as the main idea? Think about it. 

Those main ideas point to understanding your unique design. When you can identify main ideas, or themes, in your unique design, you can begin to put language around your core strengths. This is what we call thematic analysis. 

Step 1 - Code the repeating and connected ideas to find themes

Step 2 - Pull themes together to create a core strength statement

Creating a core strength statement isn’t difficult. Think back to Mad Libs from when you were a kid. There was a pattern there. It’s the same thing here. Try this formula: Noun, Adjective, Adjective, Adjective, Verb. 

Now once you’ve locked down a core strength statement, you can start to use it to maximize your impact and lead those around you well. It’s a lens or filter to help you make decisions on how you maximize your time. It will save you heartache, save you stress, and bring you fulfillment! Now go get after it! 

Practice Thematic Analysis on Yourself then take the next steps by pairing with one of our guides at

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Bonus Episode 4 time management tricks you can use today