The power of caring, interview with former NBA first round pick, Dave Jamerson
Show Notes -
Caring lasts. Caring carries. The weight of our actions is a weight that carries on through generations. A prime example of this is when, in sports, great coaches from decades prior still influence leadership through their direct tree and legacy. It doesn't just happen with sports, but with communities, churches, and yes even the workplace.
Someone who has experience in all three of these areas is former NBA first round draft pick, pastor, and businessman Dave Jamerson. From setting NCAA records to leading his leadership teams on a weekly basis, Dave is the prime example of how and why caring deeply changes lives.
You can start discovering your ‘how’ and ‘why’ for caring with this episode and by visiting us at PurposePro.Org! And keep discovering leadership know-hows from Dave at RenovateChurch.Com or at @RenovateChurchATX.
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