The Psychological Impact of Body Images in the Media with Dr. Len Newman

Show Notes

It's 2023, not 1960. 

We live in a world where electronic devices are there at any turn, are in any pocket, and are in any hand. 

Where there are phones, there is social media.

Where there is social media, there are pictures online.

Pictures with lighting enhancement, filters, photoshopping, editing and much more.

Seeing these pictures leads to a body dissatisfaction and wishing that one could change the way they look.

These photos aren't just photos people view online; they increase body image insecurity and negative self-talk offline as well.

What is the correlation between the media and the way we view our bodies? 

What do teenagers do with a phone? Click on an app, swipe, and watch… 

That watching affects the mental health of many teenagers and creates behavioral problems and outburst of emotions 

Many questions may arise when you hear the phrase “social media and body image”.

To answer those questions join me on this episode with Dr.Len Newman, a professor of psychology and a social psychologist at Syracuse University Who conducts research on a wide range of mental health topics

He specializes in the different effect social media pictures have on body image.

Join me on my next episode on bipolar disorder and the day to day life with one who is diagnosed.

Lastly, email me at for questions you would like answered or any concerns!


Do you use tik tok, snapchat, instagram, or facebook and see images that seem too perfect to be real? Those images are often edited to “perfection.” In this episode, I sit down with professor of psychology Dr. Len Newman to discuss how exposure to this flood of unrealistic images leads to the deterioration of teenage mental health around the globe. 

Highlighted Quotes: 

“ ‘I wish I looked like that’, it is possible that spontaneously that is your first reaction, to compare yourself”

“We compare ourselves to others more than we are consciously aware we are”

“There are media effects on people's bodies satisfaction” 


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