The Art of Not Burning Out with Leadership Guru Chad Wright

Show Notes -

Are you okay with burning people out in order to achieve your goals?

I mean literally going into leading a team with the sole goal of getting to the finish line climbing on the backs of burned-out employees.

Sounds absolutely ridiculous, right?

Who in their right mind would do that to get to their financial or professional marker? 

Well, unfortunately, it happens A LOT more than you think. 

If you are nodding your head while reading this, you most likely have experienced it yourself. And if you are in disbelief at how your employees could ever feel this, then maybe you need to take a good look at how they are really doing.

Burnout is commonplace in the business world, whether we fully understand it or not. It is a byproduct of no vacation days, work until we can't move, the type of ideology that we are trying to get past.

That's why on this episode, we peel back the curtain on it with leadership guru and anti-burnout specialist Chad Wright! He is the founder of Forward Partners and is on a mission to set leaders and entrepreneurs up for success by helping them achieve more without burning out and re-igniting their passion for work again.

After decades of corporate and business ownership experience, Chad shares extensive insights on how to address and combat burnout with our hosts, Joe and Zac! So click play, take a breath, and let this installment of the Purpose Pro Podcast be the beginning of your road to rest and getting back to being excited about what you do!

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Links from the Episode

-Go to www.ForwardPartners.Net to sign up for Chad’s leadership encouragement and newsletter

-Join the Forward Partners Facebook group on Chad’s website www.ForwardPartners.Net or follow along on LinkedIn

-Go on a journey of self discovery with a Purpose Project workshop at PurposePro.Org


Quotes and Highlights From The Episode

“Are we okay burning people out to achieve this purpose?” - Chad

“Burnout leaders create burnout employees.” - Zac

“Business doesn’t equate to effectiveness.” - Zac

“How are you doing? You are so busy? Is that a good thing?” - Chad

“Answer honestly when someone asks how we are doing and it will create conversation.” - Chad

“Burnout is ultimately a lack of hope.” - Chad

2 Key Signs of Burnout

1. Hopelessness

2. Feeling Overwhelmed

2 Main Ways to Heal From Burnout

1. Pause and Rest

2. Spend Time Self-Reflecting


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