with the Purpose Pros

Hear or watch informative recaps and entertaining commentary of each GLS 2020 speaker!


Session 1

Craig Groeschel: Leading through the Dip

As Craig Groeschel talks about leading through the dip, Craig helps us understand the power of unmaking promises, leading with confident uncertainty, obsessing with the why, and having the courage to do some things that may feel like a step backwards so that we can take several steps forward.     

Beth Comstock: Imagine it Forward

In an interview with Beth Comstock, Paula Faris draws out some of the ways in which Beth has thrived in her ability to continue to innovate both in business and in life. Beth helps us understand specific ways we can re-capture the joy and art of discovery, find the courage to be a permission granter, and get comfortable with experimentation and failure.

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each of the 7 GLS summit sessions.

Session 1 Notes

Craig Groeschel: Leading through the Dip

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Beth Comstock: Imagine it Forward

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Session 2

Marcus Buckingham: How the Best Leaders Build Resilience

Marcus Buckingham leads the ADP Research Institute which, among other things, focuses on identifying the core components of critical aspects of people at work, such as resilience. Drawing from a recent 25-country study, 1,000 workers per country, we can now identify and measure the components of resilience, and what you can do to cultivate it in yourself and in those you lead.

Nona Jones: Safe Is Insufficient

Nona Jones shares why—when it comes to leadership—safe is insufficient. This session provokes conviction to lead from a place of discomfort and provides the practical insights needed to identify the root of your discomfort, how to harness the courage to lead through it and how to invite others on the journey with you, even when they are uncomfortable too.

Presidential Interview

Session Two also had a special Presidential Interview. No speaker notes or illustrative summary is available, so you should tune into the podcast to hear our team’s takeaways!

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session. In Session 2, we heard first from global researcher and strengths revolutionist Marcus Buckingham, as he shared ways to help your team become more resilient and engaged in hard times.

Session 2 Notes

Marcus Buckingham: How the Best Leaders Build Resilience

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Nona Jones: Safe Is Insufficient

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Session 3

Rory Vaden: How to Multiply Your Time

Rory Vaden advised leaders on how to multiply their time—not manage or prioritize time—not how to do things more efficiently, but how to actually create more time. He discusses the strategies and tactics great organizations use to create exponential results with limited resources.

Vanessa Van Edwards: The Science for Leadership—Impacting for Good

Vanessa Van Edwards teaches how to harness your own inner leader. Using the latest neuroscience and psychology she shows us how to make a great positive impact. The key is striking the perfect balance between warmth and competence

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session.  In Session 3, we hear from Author and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Rory Vaden, as he shared his resent studies in the realm of time management, and Vanessa Van Edwards, Lead Behavioral Investigator with Science of People, who shared her communication secrets using The Charisma Scale.

Session 3 Notes

Rory Vaden: How to Multiply Your Time

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Vanessa Van Edwards: The Science for Leadership—Impacting for Good

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Purpose Project

The Purpose Project is a Powerful workshop designed to draw out the best in you and your team.

Session 4

Sadie Robertson Huff: Forces that Affect Your Influence

Craig Groeschel interviews Sadie Robertson Huff drawing out some of the unique ways this entrepreneur has tackled leadership and used her platform for good. She helps gain insight into how to build trust, handle public criticism and continue to grow as a leader.

Bishop T.D. Jakes: The Metrics of Migrative Leadership

Bishop T.D. Jakes helped us learn to migrate in our thinking—to navigate our current, rapidly changing world and the conundrum we find ourselves in. We can no longer ignore the people we can’t understand or control.

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session. In Session 4, we heard from Social Media Influencer and Author, Sadie Robertson Huff, who told her story of coming into and stewarding the spot light, and T.D.

Session 4 Notes

Sadie Robertson Huff: Forces that Affect Your Influence

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Bishop T.D. Jakes: The Metrics of Migrative Leadership

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Session 5

Paula Faris: How to Lead through Life’s Resets

Paula Faris helps us move forward and lead through life’s resets. She explores how to navigate these shifts and help us lead others who may be going through their own transitions. Paula helps us gain clarity on when to proceed when faced with life’s twists and turns, what to expect and how to navigate well.

Amy Edmondson: The Fearless Organization Demands Psychological Safety

Dr. Amy Edmondson talked about why psychological safety matters more than ever and how to build it. With so much riding on innovation, creativity and engagement, it is essential to attract, cultivate and retain talented employees–but even more important to ensure they are able to speak up to fully contribute to the enterprise.

Michael Todd: The Pace of Grace

Michael Todd brings our attention through word and a live musical demonstration the importance of finding a pace of leadership that enables us to sustain for the longterm and allows others to follow our lead.

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session. In Session 5, we heard first from Journalist and Author, Paula Faris, who taught on how to handle "life's resets".

Session 5 Notes

Paula Faris: How to Lead Through Life’s Resets

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Amy Edmondson: The Fearless Organization Demands Psychological Safety

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Michael Todd: The Pace of Grace

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Purpose Project

The Purpose Project is for individual, businesses, and ministries that desire to quickly understand how to tap into their potential and maximize their impact.

Session 6

Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzi: Six Traits Leaders Typically Lack During Crisis

Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic answered the question, “what type of leader is most needed to manage or handle a crisis. He also challenged us to develop six critical traits needed to thrive in uncertain times.

Lysa Terkeurst: The Most Surprising Hindrance to Innovation

Lysa TerKeurst helps us rethink a skill we must all master in order to innovate—forgiveness. Leaders who learn this skill not only experience more success at work, but more importantly, they have more fulfilling personal and family relationships as well. 

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session.

Session 6 Notes

Dr. Tomos Chamorro-Premuzic: Six Traits Leaders Typically Lack During Crisis.

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Lysa Terkeurst: The Most Surprising Hindrance to Innovation

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Session 7

Kaká: The Leadership of a Legendary Athlete

In this candid interview session, Claudia Tenório draws out ways in which Kaká has managed public scrutiny and praise, overcome setbacks, developed resilience and mental toughness, lead those around him and leaned into his faith for strength.

Albert Tate: Leadership that Meets the Moment

Albert Tate identifies the marks of authentic leadership that will proactively confront the moments of our world’s crisis. He gives us a picture of how you can lead out of a place of authenticity with the courage to stand in opposition to injustice, the humility to love and serve both friends and enemies, and marked by vulnerability, weakness, and loss

Join host Joe Elliott and his two guests, author Kenneth Camp and Austin area youth pastor, Aaron Alba, as they give a recap and commentary on each GLS summit session. In Session 7, we heared from retired soccer phenomenon and FIFA World Player of the Year, Kaká, as he shared his life experiences as both a leader to his team and follower to his coaching staffs, and last but not least, Albert Tate, Founder & Senior Pastor of Fellowship Church, as he closed us out of the Summit with a teaching on finding leadership from within.

Session 7 Notes

Kaká: The Leadership of a Legendary Athlete

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Albert Tate: Leadership that Meets the Moment

Speaker Notes

Illustrative Summary

Want to find a book by your favorite GLS2020 speaker?

Click on this link below provided by our friends at Austin Bridge Builders Alliance

See the power of unlocking your purpose!

Erica Bundy Redic shares how the Purpose Project helped quickly identify her potential so she could maximize her impact.